Launch Partners

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Launch Partners

The synergy between Islamic and Sustainable investing is vast and their convergence inevitable. ESG Sukuk reached US$4.6 billion in 2020 and all signs point toward massive, continued growth as demand increases. As demand grows, the need for innovation is high. New investment products and opportunities are required and that only means one thing – Thought Leadership.

IFN is delighted to bring you the IFN Islamic Sustainable Investing Thought Leadership Report, a series of thought-provoking reports, case studies and opportunities from the industry’s leaders and innovators. Coupled with interviews, news, data and exclusive podcasts with each of these leaders.



Many powerful quotes emerged from COP26 (2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference), which I found to have resonated with the Islamic sustainable finance movement, which extends well beyond climate change...

COVER STORY: Sustainability: The future of Islamic finance

The call for finance to be a force for good has become more urgent than ever, and the Islamic finance industry is heeding that call. Despite practitioners often being quick to point out the similarities between it and the sustainable finance movement...

Islamic finance and sustainability

The flagship event of 2021, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), hosted in Glasgow in the UK, ended recently. It was the 26th climate change conference that attracted political...

Islamic sustainable finance and the IFSB initiatives

The cardinal triad of sustainable finance: environmental, social and governance (ESG) aligns with the fundamental objectives of the Shariah upon which Islamic finance is premised. The inherent attributes of Shariah...

ESG implementation challenges and risk factors to the Islamic financial services industry

The political, business and financial leaders and policymakers around the world are now either looking into or aggressively working on plans to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050...

ICIEC Report

Two of the unintended consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been the acceleration toward digitization in financial services and a redoubling of initiatives toward sustainable investment...

Integrating sustainable development goals into Islamic finance

This statement succinctly summarizes the Islamic approach to development: steady and consistent progress rather than quick and abrupt growth. “Haste makes waste,”...

Beyond net zero: People, nature and climate

Embracing a ‘beyond net zero’ strategy means we have an opportunity to protect not only climate but people and the natural world. The collapse of our ecosystems, climate change...

Climate Governance Malaysia Report

The massive build-up of ambition, expectations and momentum prior to the two-week Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow (COP26)...

How ESG enhances Islamic asset management in the ‘year of the taxonomy’

Responsible finance encompasses everything from socially responsible investing (SRI), environmental, social and governance (ESG) and Islamic finance. Despite the growth...

Structuring Sukuk

The synergies between sustainable and ethical finance on the one hand and broadly Islamic finance on the other are clear and well established. Given that both of these topics...

Bursa Malaysia Report

How have you articulated and implemented a sustainability strategy at Bursa Malaysia? Who are the key stakeholders and what factors are critical for success...

Cagamas: Sustainability at its core

Internationally recognized for its robust pioneering model, Cagamas, the National Mortgage Corporation of Malaysia, serves as a special vehicle to support the national home ownership agenda by supporting financial institutions with competitively...

CIMB Islamic Report

The flagship event of 2021, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), hosted in Glasgow in the UK, ended recently. It was the 26th climate change conference that attracted political and business leaders representing 190 countries...

The path from COP26: The role of Islamic finance in transition financing

As the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) drew to a close in mid-November of this year, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned...

The rise of green and sustainable Sukuk and the road ahead

The link between the world of ethical finance and Islamic finance is strong. In fact, the origins of the modern Islamic finance industry, which started off in the 1970s...

Impact measurement, rating and exchange through IBF social cryptos

From the standpoint of investors, impact is an additional dimension in investment decision-making in addition to risk and expected returns. In the case of donors too...

The changing ESG landscape and our part in it

The term ESG [environmental, social and governance] is frequently mentioned these days, but what exactly does it mean? Perhaps a decade ago, it would seem almost performative to have ESG...

Luxembourg: A global hub for the development of sustainable Islamic financial solutions

Islamic finance strives for fairness, the empowerment of all stakeholders, the pursuit of ethical practices and social responsibility — values that sit at the heart of the growing...

The evolution of Islamic finance: Making the case for Islamic finance as a sustainable and responsible investing alternative

The last 22 months since the outbreak of COVID-19 that started in China which rapidly evolved into a global-wide pandemic have seen unprecedented disruption...

Sustainable finance: New markets for Islamic finance

The combination of global crises from climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with a new political urgency reflected at COP26 [2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference] in Glasgow...

The overlap between ESG and Islamic investment, and the opportunities

This article looks at the similarities between environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and Islamic investment, and secondly how specific ESG-oriented projects...

The PRI and responsible investment

The rise in responsible investment is irrefutable. Its development has spanned decades from the 1970s when strong voices for responsible corporate practices began to influence the global discourse...

Combining ESG and Islamic finance principles in an index framework

Islamic finance and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing are complementary in many ways and hold a number of shared principles. Though broader in nature...

Sustainable Islamic supply chain: Going the extra mile in supporting the Halal trade ecosystem

The Halal industry is witnessing an exponential growth with various projections stating the Halal economy as a multitrillion dollar opportunity...