Launch Partners

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Launch Partners

US companies with Net Zero Emission

Copyright © 2022, IdealRatings, Inc. All rights reserved, proprietary and confidential.

Top 20 US companies, by market cap, with short and/or long-term net zero-emissions targets and highly scoring in the air emissions KPI. The latter refers to an overall weighted score of the underlying indicators used to assess corporates’ plans to reduce air emissions and mitigate climate risks. Net-zero emissions targets, or carbon neutrality, refers to balancing any emitted GH offset or sequestered equivalent emissions.

IR WIDISINNameNationBusiness ActivityESGOverall ESG RatingShariah Compliance
056801US0378331005Apple IncUnited StatesConsumer Electronics96.57669.5AAPASS
578401US5949181045Microsoft CorporationUnited StatesSoftware946787AAPASS
A997D1US02079K3059Alphabet IncUnited StatesIT Services / Consulting8856.582APASS
Johnson & JohnsonUnited StatesPharmaceuticals – Diversified10083.572.5AAPASS
A21441US30231G1022Exxon Mobil CorpUnited StatesOil / Gas Refining / Marketing71.591.592AAPASS
Visa IncUnited StatesIT Services / Consulting887372AFAIL
CA3C01US30303M1027Meta Platforms IncUnited StatesIT Services / Consulting9355.577APASS
A2E5A1US1667641005Chevron CorporationUnited StatesOil / Gas Exploration / Production757188APASS
5405N1US5324571083Eli Lilly and CoUnited StatesPharmaceuticals – Diversified847983.5AAPASS
NVIDIA CorporationUnited StatesSemiconductors959164AAPASS
7280N1US7427181091Procter & Gamble CoUnited StatesPersonal Products666183.5APASS
A286F1US57636Q1040Mastercard IncUnited StatesIT Services / Consulting887979.5AAFAIL
A1CD81US0605051046Bank of America CorpUnited StatesBanks9461.563.5AFAIL
E2F101US00287Y1091AbbVie IncUnited StatesPharmaceuticals – Diversified937368.5APASS
A249A1US7170811035Pfizer Inc.United StatesPharmaceuticals – Diversified94.57774.5AAPASS
5918N1US58933Y1055Merck & Co., Inc.United StatesPharmaceuticals – Diversified7377.586.5APASS
6983N1US7134481081PepsiCo, Inc.United StatesBeverages – Non-Alcoholic74.57088APASS
666101US68389X1054Oracle CorporationUnited StatesSoftware1007483AAFAIL
8789N1US8835561023Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.United StatesAdvanced Medical Equipment828784AAPASS
5828N1US5801351017Mcdonald’s CorpUnited StatesRestaurants8067.590APASS
The ESG rating is based on IdealRatings Methodology and the Shariah compliance status is based on AAOIFI publicly published guidelines.